Nuestra Mision y Vision
El president Oskar Ayon explica nuestra mision y vision de Unidos Por La Musica.Our President receives Mentor of the Year 2013
Currently Unidos Por La Musica is collaboration with Ontario Unified District, San Bernardino School District, Kids Come First Health Center and Young Visionaries on providing food and empowering youth and parents. For Press Information please contact Alberto Gomez...Unidos Por La Musica and its Bags of Hope Program
Unidos Por La Musica Nonprofit Organization 501(c)(3) status was founded May 2011. Its first community program, Bags of Hope was launched on October 2011. Bag of Hope program has reached out to 66,000 individuals who were in need of food. Unidos Por La Musica...
Hispanic Scholarship Foundation Volunteer of the Year award to Oscar Ayon
Former member of Mexican Pop sensation RBD, presented the Hispanic Scholarship Foundation Volunteer of the Year award to Oscar Ayon, president and co-founder of the Unidos por la Musica campaign and the Hispanic Scholarship Foundation. Radio show host Argelia Atilano...
LEA Awards 2013 LA LIVE – Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Oskar Ayon President / Co-Founder of Unidos Por La Music receives Volunteer / Mentor Of The Year Photos by Ernesto...
Unidos por la música Agradece a Christian Chávez su entrega a la fundacion.
Unidos por la música celebra la distinción y reconocimiento de su presidente Oscar Ayón Puga por LEA (Líders of education Awards) que será reconocido próximamente con la distinción de mentor of the year en la entrega de premios que se llevara a cabo el 18 de abril en...
Saber Es Poder, Taller “Descubrete Y Crea”
1st Annual Turkey Giveaway
Un Millon de Gracias a todos nuestros patrociandores, voluntarios, y comite que hicieron posible repartir 140 Pavos y 110 diez bolsas de despensas a las familias mas necesitadas del distrito escolar de Ontario-Montclair. Dios bendiga nuestra comunidad. Thank you to...