Music- UPLM wants every child to have the opportunity to learn music.
That is why we make it our mission to provide low cost weekly piano,
guitar, and signing classes. UPLM wants to help create the leaders of
tomorrow today, with the power of music
Education- UPLM believes it is never too late or too early to learn and
educate yourself. That is why we focus on empowering our communities
with access to GED Courses, Tutoring, Vocational Training among other
learning and capacitating programs
Hunger- UPLM wants to help eliminate hunger in our local communities.
Bags of Hope Food Pantry program provides that extra help our member
families so desperately need. Those $40 dollars they save can then be used
to cover an unpaid utility bill or school supplies.
Access To Health – UPLM is a Covered California Grantee and offers
certified counselors that can help you find the quality medical care you and
your family deserve. Because no family should have to be un insured.